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Refund policy

Refund policy - Valid for 30 days

STEP 1: Claim your refund
📧 Contact our customer service department at to request a refund.

STEP 2: Register your return
🔗 You will immediately receive a link to register your return. Choose the carrier of your choice and send your package to the address provided.

STEP 3: Fast payback
💰 As soon as we receive your package in our warehouse, we will process your return and refund you promptly.

✔️ Return conditions :

  • Items must be new* and in their original packaging.
  • You must provide proof of purchase.
❌ Non-refundable items :
  • Sale, final sale and promotional items.
  • So-called personal items such as lingerie, swimwear, jewelry.
🔄 Return process:
  • Your package will be examined within 2 to 4 days of its arrival in our warehouse.
  • Refunds will be made to the original method of payment.
🚚 Choose your carrier:
  • You are free to choose the carrier that suits you.
  • We recommend that you keep the tracking number to follow your return.
⚠️ Returns of defective products:
  • Refunds will take into account the original purchase price, shipping costs and return costs incurred (within the limit of shipping costs).

📞 Need help? If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at Our team is here to help.

Please be aware that we currently do not provide a return label. You are free to choose the carrier that suits you. Once your item safely reaches our warehouse, we will meticulously inspect it. If the issue is our fault, we will refund your entire order, including return shipping costs. If it is not our fault, we will refund the item's purchase cost, minus shipping fees. If the item does not meet our return criteria, unfortunately, we won't be able to provide a refund or send a replacement. However, don't worry; we will make it available for pick-up by the carrier of your choice. You can rely on us to process your return within 10 business days of its arrival at our warehouse.